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2019 元旦各宗教祈福法会 開示



 -- 美國佛教會2019世界宗教聯合祈禱文


Dear Venerable, brothers,  sisters, and honorable guests, happy new year! I am happy to be invited by BAUS to pray for the peace of the world with all of you here.



I would like to chant the Medicine Buddha Mantra in the tradition of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism.  The Mantra is the Buddha’s  loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom.  With one mind, we chant the Medicine mantra sincerely. In this way, we will attain peace and harmony within ourselves, and then we can promote peace and harmony in the world. Before I chant the mantra, I would like to briefly introduce you the meaning of the mantra.




怛陀揭多耶,阿 囉喝帝,三藐三勃陀耶。怛姪他:唵!

鞞殺逝,鞞殺逝,鞞殺社,三沒揭帝,娑 訶!

namo bhagavate bhaiṣajya guru vaiḍūrya prabha rājāya

tathāgatāya arhate samyaksambuddhāya tadyathā:

oṃ bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajye bhaiṣajya samudgate svāhā.


There are two parts of the Medicine Buddha mantra.



The first part is to pay homage to the Medicine Buddha:   Through the recitation of the titles of the Medicine Buddha, which reflect the virtues of Him, the practitioner inspires faith and respect toward the Medicine Buddha.



namo bhagavate bhaiṣajya guru vaiḍūrya prabha rājāya



tathāgatāya arhate samyaksambuddhāya


「南謨」,即皈依、皈命的意思。 「 Namo」:  homage

「薄伽伐帝」,為薄伽梵的異譯,也即是世尊。「Bhagavate」: Blessed One.

「鞞殺社窶嚕」,是藥師。 「Bhaiṣajya guru」:   medicine master.

「薜琉璃」,即是琉璃。「Vaiḍūrya」:    Lapis Lazuli.

「缽喇婆」,是光。「Prabha」:    light

「喝囉闍也」,是王。「Rājāya」:   king

「怛陀揭多耶」;是如來。「Tathāgatāya」: the One who comes from the Truth, and goes to the Truth

「阿囉喝帝」,是應(供)。「Arhate」: the Worthy One.

「三藐三勃陀耶」,是等 正覺。「Samyaksambuddhāya」 : the Wholly Enlightened One.

We may translate the first part of the mantra into English as follows: Homage to the Blessed One, King of Medicine Master, the one who radiates Lapis Lazuli Light, the One who comes from the Truth, and goes to the Truth, the Worthy One, the Wholly Enlightened One.

這幾句綜合起來,即是:『皈命世尊藥師琉璃光王如來、應、等正覺 』。


The second part is the short version of the mantra:




tadyathā: oṃ! bhaiṣajye, bhaiṣajye, bhaiṣajya ,samudgate, svāhā!



「Tadyathā」means: thus speaks the mantra.


「唵」, 應讀作嗡音,意義很多。1.皈依義,即是集中身心而向於三寶;2.警覺義, 提起注意,也就是把精神集中起來,注意一個地方。

「oṃ」” means concentrate one’s mind toward the Triple Gem,



「bhaiṣajye,  bhaiṣajye,  bhaiṣajya」means medicine, medicine, medicine.


「三沒揭帝」,即是普度,普遍救度一切眾 生之義。

「Samudgate」means risen up, come forth, appeared, begun. The Sanskrit root form of “samudgate”: sam+ud+√gaj (gate).“Sam” means together; “ud”means up; “gaj”means go,the Sanskrit form of “gate” means gone in English. Therefore, we may translate “samudgate”to be gone up together, or risen up together in English. It is interesting to note that the word “sam”, which means “together" in English. This suggests that there are many ingredients working together as medicine. It is also interesting to understand that the Medicine Buddha wishes to grant all beings with all kinds of happiness. In order to fulfill his wishes, he needs also compassion, wisdom and many other virtues. When we radiate loving-kindness by chanting the Medicine Mantra, we should also follow the example of the Medicine Buddha, too.



「Svāhā」 means to be fulfilled, to be attained quickly.


Understanding all the Sanskrit words in the short form of the Medicine Buddha mantra, we may translate the Sanskrit mantra into English as follows:  Thus speaks the mantra: medicine, medicine, medicine! May the medicine be risen up together as soon as possible, so that all the sentient beings be healed!



We may sum up the meaning of the Medicine Buddha Mantra as follows:

Homage to the Blessed One, King of Medicine Master, the  one who radiates Lapis Lazuli Light, the One who comes from the truth, the Worthy One, the Wholly Enlightened One.

Thus speaks the mantra: medicine, medicine, medicine! May the medicine be risen up together as soon as possible, so that all the sentient beings be healed!




Now I would like to invite all of you to recite the Medicine Buddha Mantra. First let us pay homage to the Medicine Buddha three times in Chinese, 南無消災延壽藥師, which means: Homage to the Calamity Averting and Life-Prolonging Healing Master Buddha. Then we recite the Medicine Buddha Mantra seven times.


南無消災延壽藥師佛 (3稱)



Let me recite a couplet to pray that 2019 to be a happy and prosperous new year:



Radiate loving-kindness throughout the Dharma Realm,

may all things be sings of good luck!May you be well, happy and peaceful in the New Year of 2019!

Cast an eye of wisdom over the body and mind,

May the good merits be cultivated!, May you be successful and prosperous in the New Year of 2019!

慈心遍法界, 諸事吉祥喜迎春;

慧眼照身心, 一切如意慶接福!







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